Block settings

Explanation of buttons

Button Explanation
Change text Here you can change the text contained in the block.
Select media Here you can select an image to be posted online via the file manager.
Media settings Here you can edit the settings for an image (such as a link in the image).
* This button is only shown when an image is selected.
Move block Allows you to move the block up or down.
* This button is only shown when there is more than one block.
Change layout Here you select the type of block template. Some examples of templates are:
- Text only: The block only displays the text content.
- Text with image to the left: The block displays the text on the right with a selected image to the left.
- Text with image to the right: The block displays the text on the left with a selected image to the right.
- Text with image above: The block displays the text below a selected image.
Delete block Deletes the block.
Publish block Block is published.
Block is not published.