Creating a form

Step 1: Enter a name for your form

Make sure you choose a name you will recognize later. 


Step 2: Add fields to your form

Explanation of fields from left to right

Field Explanation
Save Save your form after you have made changes
Input field Add a single-line text field
Multiline input field Add a field in with multiple lines of text
Email address Add an email field
Date Allow the respondent to enter a date
Checkbox Allow the respondent to make a choice (multiple options possible)
Radio button Allow the respondent to make a choice (only one option possible)
Pulldown Allow the respondent to make a choice (only one option possible)
Approval Allow the respondent to place a tick for approval
Add file Allow the respondent to upload a file
Heading 1 Add a heading
Heading 2 Add a subheading
Text Add text
New line Add white space
Separator line Add a horizontal line


Stap 3: Move fields (if desired)

When you hover over the dots to the left of the text, the pointer changes to a hand and you can drag the question to another location (drag & drop).  

Step 4: Go to the processing settings

Here you fill in what should happen after the form is completed by your visitor. 

Step 5: Save in the database

If you want to save the respondent's data in the database (so you can access them later via the CMS), tick 'yes' here. 

Step 6: Send data to administrator
If you want the completed forms to be mailed to the administrator, fill in the required information here. 

Step 7: Send data to respondent
If you want the completed forms to be mailed to the respondent, tick 'yes' here. 

Step 8: Thank you settings
What should happen after the respondent has submitted the form? Should a thank you text be displayed? Or should he be sent to a different page (possibly a special thank you page made for this purpose)? You can configure this here.